you create a drop-down list, the Binding tab presents data binding
options that you can apply to the list. Options that are not specifically
related to creating a data connection apply both to a data source
and to data saved to a file when the object is not bound to a data
Data BindingSets the default data-binding method:
- Use name
- Enables data merging and saving options. Data values are
merged and stored implicitly according to Adobe data-merging rules.
- Use global data
- Associates a single data value with all objects that have
the same name (see To define a global field).
- New Data Connection
- Starts the New Data Connection wizard. To define a connection
using the wizard, see Create a data connection to an XML schema or Create a data connection to an OLE database.
- No data binding
- Disables data binding. Because the object will not capture
or display merged data, any information associated with the object
is not written as output when the form data is saved/submitted.
Specify Item ValuesLets you specify custom data values for each
list item. If this option is not selected, the data values will
match the text for the list items. If this option is selected, the
default values will be sequential integers, starting at "1" for
the first list item. See To specify list item values for a drop-down list or list box.
Note: Specify Item Values is a dynamic property. Dynamic
properties are identified by active labels that have a green underline
that you can click to dynamically bind the property to a data source.
To turn active labels on and off, use the Show Dynamic Properties
command from the Object palette menu.
Up, Down, Sort Ascending, Sort Descending Reorders
the items in the list (for example, if the data should be stored
in a different order compared to the display order of options in
the drop-down list). You can move list items up or down, or sort
them ascending or descending using the buttons beside the label.