Set the page break for the contents of a list

You can use the Keep With Next feature of a list to set the page break for the assets contained in a list. If you set the Keep With Next property of one asset of a list, that asset and the next asset will stay on the same page. This implies that the contents of the selected asset and the next asset will not break across pages.

  1. Open a list.

    Notice the Keep With Next checkbox to the right of each asset contained in the list.

  2. Select the Keep With Next checkbox to the right of one of the assets contained in the list.

    This will cause the contents of the selected asset and the following asset not to break across pages.

  3. Click Done to save your changes.

  4. Add the list to a letter instance and preview the letter.

The contents of the selected asset and the following asset does not break across pages.

The Keep With Next feature should be used in conjunction with the page break feature. If you want to keep the contents of two modules together, set the Keep With Next attribute of the first module to true. In addition, it is recommented that you set the page break attribute of both the modules to false. If the page break attribute of either of the modules is true, that module could break across a page.

Keep With Next in nested lists / conditions

The Keep With Next feature keeps the contents of an entire nested list / condition with the next asset, only if the Page Break attribute on the nested list / condition is set to false. However, if the Page Break attribute is set to true, the Keep With Next feature keeps the contents of the last asset in the nested list / condition with the next asset.

Say a list, L1, contains a nested list, NL1 followed by a text module TM. NL1 contains two text modules, TM1 and TM2. Set the Keep With Next attribute to the list NL1.

If the Page Break attribute on NL1 is set to true, the Keep With Next feature keeps TM2 and TM together. However, if the Page Break attribute on NL1 is set to false, the content of TM1, TM2, and TM does not break across pages.

Note: It is recommended that you use XFA 3.3 and above when using the Keep With Next attribute for lists.

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