Scenario: Moving assets from one system to another

This scenario describes how to export the Correspondence Management Solution assets from the LiveCycle repository as a ZIP file and import them into another repository. You can use this procedure to move assets from a development environment to a production environment.

Implementation overview

To move an asset, export it from one repository and import it into the new repository. The assets are exported to a .zip file, which can then be imported into the new repository.

Export a ZIP file

To export one or more assets from the Correspondence Management Solution repository navigate to the Manage Assets user interface, add the assets to an export list and then export the list.

  1. Log in to the Manage Assets user interface (http://<server>:port>/lc/content/cm/manageassets.html).

  2. Select an asset to export, such as a letter template.

  3. Click Add for Export.

    A dialog displays the message that the asset is added to the Export List.

    The dialog also displays the number of assets currently in the Export List.

  4. After adding all the assets to export to the Export List, click Export assets .

    The Export Assets dialog displays the list of assets you selected to export.

    You can delete any assets from this list that you do not want to export.

    Click Resolve to view all the dependent assets of the assets in the Export List.

  5. To export the assets in the Export List click OK.

  6. The Export Assets pane prompts you to select a location to download the package. Click OK.

  7. Select a folder to save the .zip file containing your assets and then click Save.

Import a ZIP file

To import an asset into the Correspondence Management Solution repository, navigate to the Manage Assets user interface and click import.

  1. Log in to the Manage Assets user interface (http://<server>:port>/lc/content/cm/manageassets.html).

  2. Click Import. Select file to upload window appears.

  3. Navigate to the location of the .zip package containing your assets and click Open.

  4. An Import Assets pane appears detailing the list of imported assets, click OK.

    Note: The data dictionaries associated with the letter/other assets do not get exported along with them. Export and import the data dictionaries for any asset to the new system.

Tools used

The Manage Assets user interface to import and export assets in the Correspondence Management system.

Team members

The Subject Matter Expert performs the tasks described in this scenario.

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