Add button- Send For Review in the toolbar

Adding a custom button in the toolbar requires adding a custom action in acmExtensionConfig.xml. Locate the acmExtensionsConfig.mxml at CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\package-resources\etc\aep\config\assetcomposer\apps\cm\acmExtensions. Open file acmExtensionsConfig.xml for edit.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
        <modelExtension type="LetterInstance"> 
            <customAction name="Submit" label="loc.letterInstance.submit.label" tooltip="loc.letterInstance.submit.tooltip" styleName="submitButton" permissionName="CM Letter Template Submit"/> 
            <customAction name="Close" label="loc.letterInstance.close.label" tooltip="loc.letterInstance.close.tooltip" styleName="closeButton"/> 
modelExtension can have a set of customAction child tags associated with it. Each customAction element represents an Action that would show up in the Create Correspondence user interface toolbar depending upon the permissions associated with it. Each customAction can have attributes to allow configuration for that action. The configurations are listed below:





Alphanumeric name for the action that must start with a character.

A required param that is unique within modelExtensions tag.


Label to display on the action button

This property is localizable.


Tool tip for the action

This property is localizable.


Name of the custom style that is applied to the action button.

This style is packaged as part of the solution template application.


The corresponding action is shown only if user has the permission specified by permissionName



Fully qualified name of the ActionHandler class which is called when user clicks the action. This class must implement IActionHandler interface

The class must have a no-arg constructor.

// Ethnio survey code removed