Adding profiles

Before you add WebSphere Application Server profiles, ensure that the Deployment Manager is running. Also ensure that you can connect to the Deployment Manager from the WebSphere Application Server instance by using the name of the Deployment Manager as well as the IP address.

Important: Before you add WebSphere Application Server profiles, ensure that the system clocks of all WebSphere Application Server instances are synchronized.

To add a custom profile to the Deployment Manager:

  1. If the Deployment Manager is not running, navigate to the bin directory of the Deployment Manager Profile and run the appropriate script:

    • (Windows) startManager.bat

    • (Linux, UNIX) ./startManager.sh

    If you installed WebSphere Application Server using the Cell (deployment manager and a managed node) option, navigate to the directory [appserver root]/profiles/<profile_name>/bin and start the node agent by running the appropriate command:

    • (Windows) startNode.bat

    • (Linux, UNIX) ./startNode.sh

    Note: You do not need to execute startNode.bat or startNode.sh for the application server node profile unless the node is added to the cell . After this node is added to the cell, you can start the node by executing the appropriate startNode command. For information on adding nodes to a cell, refer to step 3. Run startNode.bat or startNode.sh only for the managed node installed with the Deployment Manager.
  2. From a command prompt, navigate to the [profiles root]/<profile name>/bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server instance you want to add.

  3. Run the addNode script by using the computer name as a parameter; for example, type this text:

    • (Windows) addNode.bat [dmgr_host] [dmgr_port]

    • (UNIX/Linux) ./addNode.sh [dmgr_host] [dmgr_port]

    Note: The dmgr_host argument is required. All of the other arguments are optional. The default port number is 8879 for the default SOAP port of the deployment manager. For more information, see this article in the WebSphere Application Server documentation.

    In addition to federating the node to the cell, addNode also starts the node agent process. After the node is federated to a cell, the node agent is started with the startNode command, which is also located in the bin directory of the WebSphere Application Server profile. During this process, the node being federated communicates to the Deployment Manager by using port 8879 by default.

    It is a good practice to add the node agent as an operating system daemon process in UNIX. You can add the node agent as a service in Windows by using WASService, which is available in the bin directory of the base application server installation.

// Ethnio survey code removed