9.3 Installing the web server plug-in

After the application server is installed and the applications are deployed, install the web server plug-in on the HTTP server. This procedure assumes that the HTTP server is on a node that is not in the cluster.

  1. On the web server computer (the remote system that has HTTP server installed),go to the WebSphere Network Deployment installer directory and run Launch Pad by typing the appropriate command:

    • (Linux/UNIX) ./launchpad.sh

    • (Windows) launchpad.bat

  2. From Launch Pad, select Launch the installation wizard for Web server plug-ins.

  3. Deselect Installation roadmap and Plug-ins section of the Getting Started guide, and then click Next.

  4. Select I accept both the IBM and the non-IBM terms and click Next. The installer will now check your system.

  5. If your system passes the prerequisites check, click Next.

    Note: If your system does not pass the prerequisites check, stop the installation, correct any problems, and restart the installation.
  6. Select IBM HTTP Server V7 and click Next.

  7. Select Web server machine (remote) and click Next.

  8. Specify the [plugins_root] directory and the location where the web server plug-ins should be installed, and click Next.

  9. In Select the existing IBM HTTP Server httpd.conf file, click Browse and select the httpd.conf file from the [webserver root]/conf directory, where [webserver root] specifies the directory where IBM HTTP Server is installed.

  10. In the Specify the Web server port box, keep the default port value of 80 and click Next.

  11. In the Specify a unique Web server definition name box, enter a unique identifier for this definition and then click Next.

  12. In the Web server plugin-cfg.xml file box, accept the default settings and then click Next.

  13. In the Host name or IP address for the Application Server box, type the host name or IP address of the Network Deployment node and then click Next.

  14. In the confirmation pane, click Next and, in the summary information pane, click Next.

  15. After the web server plug-in is installed and copied, click Next and then click Finish.

  16. Copy the appropriate file from IBM HTTP Server <plugin_dir>/bin to the WebSphere Network Deployment [appserver root]\bin folder:

    • (Windows) configure[webserver definition name].bat. For example, configureserver1.bat

    • (Linux/UNIX) configure[webserver definition name].sh

  17. Ensure that Deployment Manager is running and then run configure<webserver definition name>.bat for Windows or configure<webserver definition name>.sh for Linux or UNIX on the WebSphere Network Deployment computer to create an unmanaged node on the WebSphere Network Deployment computer and add the web server to it.

  18. Click Servers > Web servers and then, in the right pane, select check box beside the web server name. Click Start.
    Note: Ensure that IBM HTTP Administration Server is running on the remote machine (IBM HTTP Server machine)
  19. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console and, in the navigation tree, click Servers > Web servers and then, click web server name. Under Additional Properties click Remote Web server management. Ensure that Port, Username and Password details are the same as provided for IBM HTTP Administration server.

  20. Open a web browser and access the administrative console for the web server computer (http://[web server name]:80/adminui) to verify whether the plug-in generated and propagated successfully. The following response indicates that you must generate and propagate the plug-in as described in steps 21 to 24:

    /[application name] not defined
    Note: The plug-in generates and propagates automatically only if your system previously enabled automatic synchronization, which is disabled by default.
  21. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console and, in the navigation tree, click Servers > Web servers and then, in the right pane, select the Select check box beside the HTTP server name.

  22. Click Generate Plug-in. A message confirms successful generation of the Plugin-cfg.xml file.

  23. Click Propagate Plug-in. A message confirms successful propagation of the Plugin-cfg.xml file.

  24. Restart the web server.

// Ethnio survey code removed