8.1 General tasks

8.1.1 Perform a system image backup

After LiveCycle is installed and deployed into production areas and before the system is live, it is recommended that you perform a system image backup of the servers on which LiveCycle is implemented.

The LiveCycle database, GDS directory, and application servers must be part of this backup. This is a complete system backup that you can use to restore the contents of your computer if your hard drive or entire computer stops working. See the LiveCycle Backup and Recovery topic in Administration Help .

8.1.2 Restart the application server

When you first deploy LiveCycle, the server is in a deployment mode in which most modules are in memory. As a result, the memory consumption is high and the server is not in a typical production state. You must restart the application server to get the server back into a clean state.

8.1.3 Verify the deployment

You can verify the deployment by logging in to Administration Console. If you log in successfully, then LiveCycle is running on the application server and the default user is created in the database.

You can review the application server log files to ensure that components were deployed correctly or to determine the cause of any deployment issues you may encounter. Accessing Administration Console

Administration Console is the web-based portal for accessing a variety of configuration pages where you can set run-time properties that control the way LiveCycle operates. When you log in to Administration Console, you can access User Management, Watched Folder, and Email client configuration, and administrative configuration options for other services. Administration Console also provides access to Applications and Services, which administrators use for managing archives and deploying services to a production environment.

The default user name and password for logging in is administrator and password. After you log in the first time, access User Management and change the password.

Before you access Administration Console, LiveCycle must be deployed and running on your application server.

For information about using Administration Console, see Administration Help.

  1. Type the following URL in a web browser:


    For example: http://localhost:9080/adminui

  2. If you have upgraded to LiveCycle, enter the same administrator user name and password as that of your previous LiveCycle installation. In case of a fresh installation, enter the default user name and password.

  3. After you log in, click Services to access the service administration pages or click Settings to access the pages on which you can administer settings for different modules. Change default password

LiveCycle creates one or more default users during the installation. The password for these users is in the product documentation and is publicly available. You must change this default password, depending on your security requirements.

The LiveCycle administrator user password is set to “password” by default. You must change it in Administration Console > Settings > User Management. View the log files

Events, such as run-time or startup errors, are recorded to the application server log files. If you have problems deploying to the application server, you can use the log files to help you find the problem. You can open the log files by using any text editor.

The following log files are located in the [appserver root]/profiles/[profilename]/logs/[server name] directory:

  • SystemErr.log

  • SystemOut.log

  • startServer.log

Note: Each time LiveCycle starts, the following error appears in the log:
FacesConfigur E org.apache.myfaces.config.FacesConfigurator configureRenderKits failed to configure class com.adobe.framework.jsf.renderkit.SecureInputRenderer java.lang.ClassCastException

This error occurs due to a different version of the IBM JSF engine expected by WebSphere. This is a known issue and this error can be safely ignored.

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