In Administration Console, click Services >
Applications and Services > Service Management.
On the Service Management page, click the service to configure.
Click the Security tab.
In the Require Callers To Authenticate list, select either
Yes or No to specify whether the service can be invoked with or
without credentials.
If you select Yes, the caller of the
service must be authenticated and the user principal for that caller
must be authorized to invoke the service; otherwise, the invocation
attempt will be refused.
If you select No, the caller of the
service may or may not be authenticated. The invocation of the service
will always succeed because there is no authorization check.
For services that contain one or more operations flagged
for anonymous access, select or deselect Anonymous Access Allowed.
When anonymous access is enabled, any user within the system can
invoke operations on the service. If anonymous access is disabled,
users must be granted permission to call the service and invoke
operations. Users are granted these permissions either directly
or as being part of a group that has such permissions.
For some services, the user account that executes the operation
affects the results. For example, in Content Services (Deprecated),
the user that stores content is made the owner of the content, which
affects who can later access the content. If you are using a process
to store content, think about what user is used to execute the Document
Management service, because that user will own the stored content.
specify the run-time identity used by a service to execute operations,
select Specify Run As, select an option from the associated list,
and then click Save. Choose from the following options:
Invoker: Uses
the same identity as the user who invoked the service.
System: Uses
the System user to run the service with full privileges.
Named User: Enables
you to run the service as a specific user. When you select this
option, click Select User to display the Select Principal page,
where you can search for and select the user.
If you do not
select Specify Run As, the default behavior is used.
Note: Render and submit services that are used with
xfaForm, Document Form, and Form variables are always executed using
the System user account.
Click Add Principal to specify the permissions that users
and groups have for this service.
The Select Principal screen displays the users and groups
that are configured in User Management. If the user or group you
want is not displayed, use the search function to find it. Click
a user or group name.
On the Add Permissions screen, select the permissions to
assign to the user or group for this service:
invoke all operations on the service
MODIFY_CONFIG_PERM: To modify the configuration of
a service
SUPERVISOR_PERM: To view process instance data for
a service that is created from a process
START_STOP_PERM: To start and stop a service
ADD_REMOVE_ENDPOINTS_PERM: To add, remove, and modify endpoints
for a service
CREATE_VERSION_PERM: To create a new version of the
DELETE_VERSION_PERM: To delete a version of the service
MODIFY_VERSION_PERM: To modify a version of the service
READ_PERM: To view the service
PROCESS_OWNER_PERM: For use in a future version of
LiveCycle. Do not use this permission.
SERVICE_MANAGER_PERM: For use in a future version
of LiveCycle. Do not use this permission.
SERVICE_AGENT_PERM: For use in a future version of
LiveCycle. Do not use this permission.
Click Add.