Configuring form output

Specify the type of HTML output returned to the web browser

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Forms ES3.

  2. Under Form Output, in the Output type list, select one of the following options:

    Full HTML: To render the form within full HTML tags (a complete HTML page). This value is the default.

    Form body: To render the form within <BODY> tags (not a complete HTML page).

  3. Click Save.

Specify the location where PDF content is rendered

  1. Under Form Output, in the Render at list, select one of the following options:

    Client: To render PDF forms within Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. Client-side rendering improves the performance of LiveCycle and applies only to PDFForm transformation.

    Server: To render PDF forms on the application server.

    Auto: To render the PDF form in the location specified by the dynamicRender configuration value of the XDP file. This value is the default.

  2. Click Save.

Configuring invocation of custom scripts before form submit

Perform the following steps to enable the feature:
  1. Login to the LiveCycle Administration Console.

  2. Go to Services > LiveCycle Forms ES3.

  3. Specify the Output type as Form Body.

  4. Save the settings.

  5. Declare a JavaScript variable, __CUSTOM_SCRIPTS_VERSION, in the head section of the HTML code and set its value to 1.
    Note: To disable the feature, you can remove the JavaScript variable or set its value to 0.

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