Working with process instances

If you access the Process Instance page from the Process List page, all the process instances of the process you selected are listed. If you access the Process Instance page after performing a search, only the found process instances are listed.

For each process instance, the list shows the following information:

Process ID:
The identifier that Process Management assigns when the process is instantiated (that is, when a user or an automated step initiates a process). You can use this identifier to track the process instance through its life cycle.

Process Name - Version:
The name of the process, as defined in Workbench.

Indicates whether the process instance is running normally, changing state, or has stopped. (See About process instance statuses.)

Creation Date:
The date and time the process instance was created.

Update Date:
The date and time the status of the process instance was last changed.

You can do the following tasks on the Process Instance page:

  • Select a process instance to view details about it, such as its operations and subprocesses. When you select a process instance, the Process Instance Details page appears.

  • Suspend, unsuspend, or terminate process instances.

  • Search for a process instance. To begin a search, click Search.

About process instance statuses

A process instance, including subprocesses, can have the following statuses:

All the branches and operations in the process instance have completed. COMPLETE is the final status of a process instance.

The status of the process instance is about to change to COMPLETE.

The process instance has been created but is not yet running. INITIATED is the first status of a process instance.

The process instance is running normally. An automated step may be underway, or the process instance may be receiving user input or waiting for user interaction.

The process instance has been suspended by an administrator or by a step in the process. No further operations will occur until the status is changed.

The status is about to change to SUSPENDED. If an operation has been designed to ignore suspend requests and has not yet completed, that operation must complete before the process instance is suspended.

The process instance has been terminated by an administrator.

The status is about to change to TERMINATED. If an operation has been designed to ignore terminate requests and has not yet completed, that operation must complete before the process instance is terminated.

The status is about to change to RUNNING after having been SUSPENDED.
Note: When a request is made to change the status of a process instance (such as to suspend or terminate), the request enters the command queue for Process Management. Depending on the size of the queue and overall processing speed, the displayed status may not change until the page is reloaded one or more times.

Suspend or unsuspend process instances

If you need to troubleshoot a problem or if you know that a process instance will encounter a problem at a later step due to some external condition, you can suspend the process instance temporarily.

You can suspend process instances that have a status of RUNNING.

After you suspend a process instance, its status changes to SUSPENDING, then SUSPENDED, and the process pauses at its current operation. The process instance remains in this status until the status is changed to UNSUSPENDED.

Only process instances that have a status of SUSPENDED can be changed to UNSUSPENDED.

When you unsuspend a process instance, its status changes to RUNNING, and it continues with the operation where it had been suspended.

When you suspend a process instance that has invoked other processes (child processes) using their invoke operation, the child processes are also suspended.

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Process Management ES3 > Process Management.

  2. On the Process Instance page, select the process and click Suspend or Unsuspend.

Terminate a process instances

If an operation of a process instance has stalled or encountered some other error condition, or if you need to force a process instance to stop running, you can terminate the process instance.

You can terminate process instances that have any status.

When you terminate a process instance, its status changes to TERMINATING, then TERMINATED, and the process stops at its current operation. No further operations are run, and all associated operations and tasks are terminated.

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Process Management ES3 > Process Management.

  2. On the Process Instance page, select the process and click Terminate.

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