Caching form designs

When the Forms service receives a render request, it retrieves the form design from the repository and caches it. This caching improves performance because for subsequent render requests, the Forms service retrieves the form design from the cache instead of from the repository.

The Forms service always caches form designs on disk. If form designs are stored on the server, those files are considered the disk cache. The Forms service also caches form designs in memory, according to the setting in the In Memory Template Cache area. If you change any of these settings, restart the Forms service for the change to take effect. To restart this service, either use Workbench or see Start or stop the services associated with LiveCycle modules for instructions.

Template Configuration Cache Size:
The maximum number of template configuration objects to keep in memory. The default value is 100. It is recommended that you set this value greater than or equal to the Template Cache Size value. This setting does not affect the disk cache.

Template Cache Size:
The maximum number of template content objects to keep in memory. The default value is 100. This setting does not affect the disk cache.

By default, this check box is selected, meaning that form templates are cached in memory. When this option is not selected, form templates are cached only on disk.

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