Caching fragments and images

The Forms service caches fragments and images use in form designs on disk. This improves performance because the fragments and images are only read from the repository on the first request. Then on subsequent requests, the Forms service reads fragments and images from the disk cache. Fragments and images are cached only on disk, and not in memory.

You can use the following settings to control the on-disk caching of fragments and images. These settings are located in the Template Resource Cache Settings area:

Resource Caching
Select one of the following options from the list:
Enabled for fragments and images:
The Forms service caches fragments and images. This is the default option.

Enabled for fragments:
The Forms service caches fragments, but not images.

The Forms service does not cache fragments or images.

Cleanup Interval (Seconds):
Specifies how often the Forms service removes old invalid cache files. The Forms service does not remove valid cache files. If you change the cleanup interval, restart the Forms service for the change to take effect. To restart this service, either use Workbench or see Start or stop the services associated with LiveCycle modules for instructions. The default value is 600 seconds.

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