Use the cache check point

In this mode, the Forms service only checks the repository for newer versions of resources when the timestamp of the cached resource is older than the cache check point time. The last cache check point time is displayed on the Forms page in Administration Console.

Use this cache mode in high-performance production environments where performance is a concern and changes to resources are infrequent. You can reset the cache check point time when you want to deploy any changes made to the repository resources.

Specify the use of a cache check point

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Forms ES3.

  2. Under Forms Cache Control Settings, select Only If Their Last Validation Was Done Prior To Cache Check Point Time and click Save.

Reset the cache check point

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Forms ES3.

  2. Under Forms Cache Control Settings, click Cache Check Point.

Reset the cache contents

You can clear the contents of the cache at any time. After a cache reset, the first request for each form is slower because the Forms service performs a complete rendering and creates new cache content.

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Forms ES3.

  2. Under Forms Cache Control Settings, click Reset Cache.

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