Implement the AuditProvider Interface

To log client events

  1. startLogClientEvent

    public void startLogClientEvent(EDCContext context, AuditRecordBO[] entries) throws SDKException {...}
  2. logClientEvent: Every-time a client event is generated, this API is called. This event takes in EDCContext and AuditRecordBO.

    public void logClientEvent(EDCContext context, AuditRecordBO[] entries) throws SDKException {...}
    Note: AuditRecordBO is an array containing the data of the clients by whom the events got generated. For example, entries[i]. getClientIPAddress();
  3. endLogClientEventpublic

    void endLogClientEvent(EDCContext context, AuditRecordBO[] entries) throws SDKException {System.out.println("endLogClientEvent");}

To log server events

To log server

  1. StartLogServerEvent

    public void startLogServerEvent(EDCContext context, AuditRecordBO entry) throws SDKException {...}
  2. logServerEvent: Called for logging server events and takes in EDCContext and AuditRecordBO.

    public void logServerEvent(EDCContext context, AuditRecordBO entry) throws SDKException {...}
  3. endLogServerEvent

    public void endLogServerEvent(EDCContext context, AuditRecordBO entry) throws SDKException {...}

Sample code to implement the AuditProvider interface is available in the file.

// Ethnio survey code removed