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Manage attribute filters

Know how to manage filters in FrameMaker. Understand the manage attribute expressions dialog.

In this topic

Edit attribute filters

You can edit the name and definition of a filter. You can edit a filter that is currently applied to a topic. However, you will need to re-apply the filter to the topic.

To edit an attribute filter, do the following:

  1. In the Manage Attribute Expression dialog (View > Filter by Attribute), select the expression and click Edit.

    The Build Expression dialog is displayed.

  2. In the Build Expression dialog, edit the name and, or the rule of the filter.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.

Delete attribute filters

If you delete an attribute filter, the definition of the filter is removed from the topic catalog and can no longer be used in the topic. Also, if a delete filter that is currently applied to the topic, the filter is removed from the content in the topic. Since you can only apply one filter to a topic at a time, if you delete the currently applied filter, the topic displays all content.

To delete an attribute filter, do the following:

  1. In the Manage Attribute Expression dialog (View > Filter by Attribute), select the expression.

  2. Click Delete.

If the filter is not currently applied to the topic, you are prompted to confirm to delete operation.

If the filter is currently applied to the topic, you are prompted with the corresponding message. If you confirm the delete operation the filter is removed from the content.

Import attribute filters

The filters in a topic are available for use in the topic where they are created. You can make these filters available to other topics by importing the definitions into other topics.

To import an attribute filter, do the following:

  1. Open the topic containing the filters that you need to make available in one or more other topics.

  2. Open the topic into which to import the filters from the source topic.

    If you are working in a FrameMaker book, you can multi-select the topics in the book into which to import the filters from the source topic.

  3. Choose File > Import > Formats.

  4. In the Import Formats dialog, select the source document in the Import from Document drop-down.

  5. In Import and Update section, click Deselect All, check Filter by Attribute, and click Import.

When you import filters from one topic to another, besides the filters, the filter condition (Show All or Show as per Expression) is also imported.

If the destination topics contain filters with the same names as the source topic, these filters are overwritten.

After you import the filters from one topic to another, you will need to apply the filters to the destination topic content.