Home > Content Management Systems > Documentum, Microsoft SharePoint, and DitaExchange > Setup and configure the Documentum connector

Setup and configure the Documentum connector

Understand how to setup and configure the Adobe FrameMaker Documentum connector.

In this topic

Configure the Repository Manager view

To configure the Repository Manager view in Adobe FrameMaker for Documentum, do the following:

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences.

  2. In CMS > Documentum, select Show Hidden Objects to view the hidden files (contained in a repository) in the Repository Manager window.

  3. Select Show Private Cabinets to view the private cabinets (contained in a repository) in the Repository Manager window.

  4. Click OK.

Define the DFS SDK path

To define the path to the Documentum Foundation Services (DFS) SDK in the Adobe FrameMaker CMS Connector for Documentum, do the following:

  1. Download the Documentum Foundation Services (DFS) SDK from EMC Community Network.

  2. Extract the .zip file.

  3. Choose Edit > Preferences.

  4. Choose CMS > Documentum > DFS SDK Path. Click Browse.

  5. In the Browse For Folder window, navigate to the SDK (e.g. emc-dfs-sdk-6.5) folder.

  6. Click OK in the Browse For Folder window.

  7. Click OK in the CMS Preferences window.

    A message box prompts you to restart FrameMaker.

  8. Restart Adobe FrameMaker.

Add the FrameMaker file types on the Documentum Server using the .dar file

To be able to work with the file types supported by Adobe FrameMaker, you must add the FrameMaker file types and formats on the Content server using a .dar file.

To add the Adobe FrameMaker types on the Content server, you need “Administrator” or “Create Type” privileges.

  1. Download the .dar file from the following location and use it to add the FrameMaker types on the Server:


  2. Run the .dar file installation utility shipped with FrameMaker. The default location of this utility is <Fm-install-location>\FmDctmSetup.exe.

    Note: You can also use the default darinstaller.exe utility shipped with EMC Documentum Composer.
    Figure 1. Connection Information dialog of the .dar file installation utility
    Connection Informationdialog of the .dar file installation utility in Adobe FrameMaker

  3. In the Connection Information dialog, provide the following information:

    Server: Path of the Documentum server.

    Port: Port at which the Documentum server is listening. Default value is 1489.

    UserName and Password: The user name and password of the user with administrative privileges to install the .dar file.

    Repository: Name of the repository where you want to install the .dar file.

    DFS SDK Path: Specify the path of the Documentum Foundation Services (DFS) SDK.

  4. Click Create Types.

Set up sample Adobe FrameMaker DITA Applications for Documentum Server

A FrameMaker sample application pack is available at www.adobe.com/go/learn_fm_sample_dita_app_pack_en. The application pack includes an indicative set of applications to help content administrators configure Adobe FrameMaker to author files on Documentum server. Download and install the sample application pack to avoid the warnings and XML parser logs when you work with XML files from Documentum server.