Home > Content Management Systems > Documentum, Microsoft SharePoint, and DitaExchange > Manage resources

Manage resources

Learn how to manage resources with Adobe FrameMaker, such as cabinets (Documentum), folders, and files, of your configured Documentum, Microsoft SharePoint, or DitaExchange server.

In this topic

Manage Documentum cabinets, folders, and files

You can perform the following operations on your CMS resources.

Add a cabinet

Right-click the root node of the Documentum server and select New Cabinet.

Delete a resource

Right-click a cabinet (Documentum only), folder, or file and select Delete.

When deleting a file in Documentum, a dialog prompts you to delete just the file, all versions of the file, or the file and all its dependencies.

When deleting a file in Microsoft SharePoint, a dialog prompts you to keep just the current version of the file and delete all other versions, or to delete all the versions of the file.

Upload a file

Right-click a cabinet, list, or folder and select Upload Document. FrameMaker uploads the file and all its dependencies, if any.

Upload a folder

Right-click a cabinet, list, or folder and select Upload Folder.

Add a folder

Right-click a cabinet, list, or folder select New Folder.

Show checked out files

Right-click a cabinet, site, list, or folder and select Show Checkout Files.

View attributes

Right-click a cabinet, site, list, or folder and select Properties. The Attributes panel is displayed.

The dialog allows you to modify the value of an attribute. To modify a value, click the value of the desired attribute and modify it.

Click OK to save the modified value.

Refresh the view

Right-click a cabinet, site, list, folder, or the root node and select Refresh.

Checkout files

  1. In the Repository Manager dialog, select the repository.

  2. Right-click the file and do one of the following:

  3. Select Checkout and Edit to check out and open the file.

    Select Checkout to check out the file.

  4. Specify whether to check out all dependent files.

  5. Click OK.

The Checkout all dependent files option in the confirmation dialog box is synced to the Checkout Dependent Files by Default option in the Preferences dialog.

To select the Checkout Dependent Files by Default option, do the following:
  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Microsoft SharePoint.
  2. Select Checkout Dependent Files by Default.

If you select the Checkout Dependent Files by Default option, the Checkout all dependent files option in the confirmation dialog box is also checked by default.

For example, in the Preferences dialog, if you have not selected the Checkout Dependent Files by Default option, the Checkout all dependent files option in the confirmation dialog box is also not checked by default.

Note: DitaExchange server maintains the http references in Dita files as the full http path. This connector has special handling to support http paths for dependencies when you check-out a file. If you check-out a DITA Topic file that contains an image with an href reference that is pointing to HTTP path, the referenced image will also be checked out.
Note: Also, if you cancel the check-out of a DITA Topic file that contains an image with an href reference that is pointing to HTTP path, the check-out on the referenced image will also be canceled.

Checkin files

  1. In the Repository Manager dialog, select the repository.

  2. Right-click the file and select Checkin.

  3. Specify the version details.

  4. Click OK.

Note: Select Cancel Checkout to undo the checkout and discard changes made to the file. For Microsoft SharePoint or DitaExchange, check out of all dependent files will also be automatically canceled.
Note: Save the file before checking in to ensure that all the changes are uploaded correctly. If a file is checked out with its dependents, then all dependent files will also be automatically checked in.
Note: DitaExchange server maintains the http references in DITA files as the full http path. This connector has special handling to support http paths for dependencies when you check-in a file. If you check-in a DITA Topic file that contains an image with an href reference that is pointing to HTTP path, the referenced image will also be checked in.

Manage files

Using Adobe FrameMaker you can manage XML, DITA, FM, MIF, and book files. In addition to checking out and checking in files, you can perform the following tasks:

Open a file

Right-click and select Open (read only) to view the file in read-only mode. If the file is not checked out, double-clicking or pressing Enter on the file, opens the file in read-only mode, and also downloads all the dependents of the file.

Note: DitaExchange server maintains the http references in DITA files as the full http path. This connector has special handling to support http paths for dependencies when you open a file in read-only mode. If you open a DITA Topic file that contains an image with an href reference that is pointing to HTTP path, the referenced image is also opened in read-only mode.
Delete a file

Right-click, select Delete.

Select Delete all versions to delete all versions of the file.

View various versions

Right-click and select Show Versions.

View dependencies

Right-click and select Show Dependents.

Note: View dependencies is only valid for virtual documents in the case of Documentum.
View properties

Right-click and select Properties.

Refresh the view

Right-click and select Refresh.