Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Technical content elements > Technical-content domains elements > Task requirements domain
The task requirements domain contains elements for use in describing tasks that involve machines or other pieces of hardware.
element contains information about preliminary requirements – the things the user needs to know or do before starting a task. This element contains information about personnel requirements, safety conditions, support equipment, supplies, and spare parts.<closereqs>
element contains information about closing requirements – steps or tasks that the user should perform after completing a task, for example, "Check around the vehicle for any drips or leaks."<reqconds>
element contains information about conditions that must be fulfilled before performing a task.<reqcond>
element specifies a condition that must be fulfilled before performing a task, for example, "Rear Oil Seal replacement."<noconds>
element specifies that there are no conditions to be fulfilled before performing a task.<reqcontp>
element specifies a technical publication that can be used to fulfill a condition before performing a task. It might also specify a publication that is required in order to fulfill the condition, such as a list of local regulations.<reqpers>
element contains information about the personnel who are required to perform a task. This information might specify the number of workers, the type and skill level of the workers, and the length of time that they will need to perform the task.<personnel>
element specifies the minimum number of workers who are required to perform a task. <perscat>
element specifies the type or category of workers that is required by a task.<perskill>
element specifies the skill level of the workers who perform the task.<esttime>
element provides an estimate of the time that is required to perform a task. <supeqli>
element contains a list of the tools, support equipment, or monitoring equipment that is required to perform a task. These pieces of support equipment need to be assembled prior to beginning the task.<supequi>
element specifies a tool, a piece of support equipment, or a piece of monitoring equipment that is needed to perform a task, such as a slide hammer.<supequip>
element contains information about the support equipment that is required to perform a task. This element either contains children elements that specify particular items of support equipment or a <nosupeq>
element that specifies that no support equipment is required.<nosupeq>
element indicates that there is no support equipment required to perform a task.<supplies>
element contains information about the supplies or parts that are required to perform a task. These supplies or parts need to be available prior to beginning the task. This element either contains children elements that specify particular supplies or a <nosupply>
element that indicates that no supplies are needed.<supply>
element contains information about a single supply in a list of supplies that are needed to perform a task.<supplyli>
element specifies a list of supplies needed to perform a task.<nosupply>
element specifies that no supplies are needed to perform a task.<spare>
element specifies a particular spare part that is required to perform a task, for example, a "dipstick."<spares>
element contains information about the spare parts that are needed for a task. This information might specify particular spare parts or it might state that no spare parts are required.<sparesli>
element contains information about the spare parts that are required to perform a task.<nospares>
element specifies that no spare parts are needed to perform a task.<nosafety>
element specifies that there are no safety conditions to be considered.<safecond>
element specifies a safety condition that must be considered prior to completing a task. It might also contain a complete hazard statement.<safety>
element contains information about safety conditions. This element either contains children elements that describe safety conditions or a <nosafety>
element that indicates that there are no safety conditions that must be considered.