Home > Appendix > DITA 1.3 specification > Language reference: All-inclusive edition > Attributes > Complex attribute definitions > The keys attribute

The @keys attribute

A @keys attribute consists of one or more space-separated keys. Map authors define keys using a <topicref> or <topicref> specialization that contains the @keys attribute. Each key definition introduces an identifier for a resource referenced from a map. Keys resolve to the resources given as the @href value on the key definition <topicref> element, to content contained within the key definition <topicref> element, or both.

The @keys attribute uses the following syntax:
  • The value of the @keys attribute is one or more space-separated key names.
  • Key names consist of characters that are legal in a URI. The case of key names is significant.
  • The following characters are prohibited in key names: "{", "}", "[", "]", "/", "#", "?", and whitespace characters.

A key cannot resolve to sub-topic elements, although a @keyref attribute can do so by combining a key with a sub-topic element id.