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Typesetting rules

FrameMaker defines the typesetting rules for Chinese and Korean text in the Kumihan tables in the MIF file (see the MIF Reference online manual for details). The Kumihan specification defines the line-breaking rule and inter- character spacing rules for Japanese characters. FrameMaker has implemented similar rules for Chinese and Korean documents.

Asian hyphenation
A rule to prohibit certain characters from beginning a new line or ending a line is defined in the Kumihan table. You can customize the Kumihan table by modifying the table in MIF. See the Kumihan tables section in the MIF Reference online manual.
Spacing settings for Asian punctuation characters
The spacing settings for Asian punctuation characters, brackets, and so forth are defined in the Asian Punctuation text box in the Asian properties of the paragraph designer.
Western/Asian word spacing and Asian character spacing
These settings can be defined in the Asian properties of the paragraph designer.

For details on spacing and punctuation settings, see the FrameMaker User Guide.