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Updating body and master page layouts

You can change template text frames on more than one master page and then update all corresponding body pages in one step. However, if you make column layout changes on a body page, you must update the corresponding master page before you can update the other body pages that use that master page.

Before FrameMaker updates body pages, it checks whether any body pages have column layouts that override their master page. If any pages contain layout overrides, you specify whether to keep the overrides.

Update body pages with master page changes

  1. After making layout changes on master pages, display body pages.

  2. If FrameMaker displays an alert message, specify whether to keep or remove layout overrides, and then click Continue. If you keep layout overrides, FrameMaker updates those body pages with the master page’s background text and graphics, but does not update the template text frames.

Update a master page with body page changes

  1. Choose Format > Page Layout > Update Column Layout. A message asks you to confirm the master page and body pages that are to be updated.

  2. Click Update.

  3. If FrameMaker displays an alert message, specify whether to keep or remove layout overrides on the pages being updated, and then click Continue.