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Output settings

Learn how to customize the publish output format settings like title, favicon, layout, responsive design, table of contents and much more when publishing to HTML5 with Adobe FrameMaker.


The Outputs tab of the Publish Settings dialog provides options to customize publish output format settings such as the title, favicon, layout, and table of contents (for eBook output formats).

The following tables describe all options available in the Outputs tab.

Note: To generate the Mobile App output, see Generate mobile apps using Apache Cordova and Upload your mobile app to the app store articles.

General tab

The following options are available in the General tab.



Available in


Specify a title for your output. You can use variables to dynamically generate titles. For example, you can use the variables as:


(Default) Name of the output being published.


Name of the FM file/book being published.


Value of variable VarName as defined in the FrameMaker source document/book.

Note: VarName cannot contain the / (front-slash) character.
  • Responsive HTML5

  • EPUB

  • Kindle

  • Microsoft HTML Help


Specify an icon to associate with the output. The icon appears in the browser tab or the address bar depending on the browser being used.

  • Responsive HTML5


Specify the output language for the layout if the language is different from the language of the project. FrameMaker uses this language setting for the UI strings and language-related UI elements in the preview and generated output.

  • Responsive HTML5

  • EPUB

  • Kindle

  • Microsoft HTML Help


Specify the character encoding format if the web server to which you are publishing has character encoding different from UTF-8.

  • Responsive HTML5

Manage layout

Customize or use an existing layout for the published output. The drop-down list provides the following options:

  • Edit: Customize the current layout. For more information about customizing layout, see Customize layout.

  • New: Select New to open the Choose Screen Layout dialog to select a new layout. In the Choose Screen Layout dialog:

    a) Select a screen layout from the available list in the Gallery.

    b) Click OK to select a new screen layout for your output.

  • Import: Import a screen layout file (.slz).

  • Export: Export the current screen layout as a .slz file. You can use this layout in other FrameMaker or RoboHelp projects.

  • Responsive HTML5

Use HTML Page Template

Import a .htt, .htm, or .html template file to define and create a mini TOC in the published output.

For details on how to define the HTML page template, see HTML page templates.

  • Responsive HTML5

  • EPUB

  • Kindle

  • Microsoft HTML Help

Override Styles for This Output

Import a .css file to override the defined output styles.

  • Responsive HTML5

  • EPUB

  • Kindle

  • Microsoft HTML Help

Enable Browse Sequence

Specify whether the output should display browse sequences.

  • Responsive HTML5

  • Microsoft HTML Help

Use Dynamic Content Filter in the Output:

Assign a dynamic content filter to the current output.

For details on how to create a user dynamic content filters, see Dynamic Content.

  • Responsive HTML5

Table of Content Settings

A table of content to display in the generated Help. You can choose Index, Glossary, or both. Also, you can specify the positioning of Index and Glossary in the published output.

  • EPUB

  • Kindle

Validate EPUB 3 Output

Set FrameMaker to validate the EPUB output using the standard EPUB validation tool EpubCheck. EpubCheck requires Java Runtime 1.5 or above installed on the computer.

Note: If the EpubCheck.jar file is not available on your computer, download it from the link provided in the EPUB Validation dialog box. Validation messages are available only in English.
  • EPUB

Embed Fonts

Embed the selected fonts into the eBook.

Use this option, if you are creating content that includes uncommon fonts, or if you are using custom fonts that may not be available on the end-users’ environment. Since the fonts will be included as part of the eBook output, the user experience will be uniform even if some users do not have the font installed.

When you check this option, the Embed Font dialog is displayed. In this dialog, you can choose to embed fonts that are currently included in your RoboHelp project. You can also choose embed system fonts that are not currently included.

Click the Manage button to open the Embed Fonts dialog to make changes to the currently embedded fonts.

  • EPUB

Show KindleGen Logs

Select to display the errors, warnings, and status messages generated by the KindleGen converter in the Output View panel.

  • Kindle

KindleGen Path
  • As KindleGen is obsolete, you can download the most current Kindle Previewer. You can download Kindle Previewer from Publish Settings, Outputs, General, KindleGen Path.
  • Before publishing any document/book in Kindle format, set the path of on your system. The default path of kindlegen.exe is \Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Amazon\Kindle Previewer 3\lib\fc\bin. If your organization supports LDAP authentication, your path could be in the folder named with your LDAP instead of the Administrator folder.
  • Kindle

Add Breadcrumbs Links

Add breadcrumbs in the topic pages.

  • Microsoft HTML Help

Optimize CHM File Size

Reduces the size of the CHM file.

  • Microsoft HTML Help

TOC/Index Settings

Open the HTML Help – Advanced Settings dialog and configure the following settings:

In the Index tab:

  • Default Window: To display the topic in a custom window, select the window name.

  • Default Frame: To display the topic in a custom frame, select the frameset name.

  • Font: Use Select Font to choose a font. Click Default Font to set the selected font as the default font.

The TOC Styles tab has the following options in addition to the options available in the Index tab:

  • Border: Add a border around the table of contents.

  • Dialog Frame: Add a frame around the table of contents.

  • Lines From Root: Displays lines connecting books and pages starting at root.

  • Plus/Minus Squares: Display plus and minus icons that open and close books.

  • Always Show Selection: Display the topic selected from the Contents tab (even if this tab is not the left-pane focus).

  • Folders Instead Of Books: Display folder icons instead of book icons.

  • Lines Between Items: Add lines between books and pages.

  • Single-Click To Open Book: Enable books to open with one click.

  • Raised Edge or Sunken Edge: Create a three-dimensional appearance.

  • Binary TOC: Create a binary TOC. The binary TOC option is recommended only for large Help systems. It requires compiled HTML Help and does not support customization or external TOC files.

  • Microsoft HTML Help

Optimization tab

The following options are available in the Optimization tab.



Available in

Convert Absolute Image Size to Relative Image Size

Convert the actual width and height of images into percentages. In this way, you can make images used in your project device-friendly and adapt to different device sizes.

  • Responsive HTML5

  • EPUB (General tab)

  • Kindle (General tab)

Convert Absolute Table Size to Relative Table Size

Convert the actual width and height of tables into percentages. By allowing FrameMaker to optimize the tables in this way, you ensure that the tables adapt to different device sizes.

  • Responsive HTML5

  • EPUB (General tab)

  • Kindle (General tab)

Enable Zoom On iOS Devices

Enable or disable pinch zoom on the iPad and the iPhone. When this option is enabled, users can zoom in on a FrameMaker output displayed on an iPad or iPhone by pinching the device screen.

  • Responsive HTML5

Convert SVG to Raster Image

Convert the SVG images in the document to rasterized images. By default, FrameMaker embeds the entire SVG code in the final Responsive HTML5 output. SVG images retain their image quality regardless of the screen size and resolution of the device on which they are being viewed.

  • Responsive HTML5

Additional notes on handling image references

Original image referencing: FrameMaker maintains all image formats supported on web pages in your unstructured documents as-is in the HTML5 output for them. The images do not undergo any conversion process and the quality and specified size of your images is maintained. Other image formats that are not supported on web pages like .bmp and .tiff are converted to .jpg, but the image quality is improved for them. The original names of the referenced images are retained as-is when they are published into the HTML5 format.

Server tab

The following options are available in the Server tab of the Responsive HTML5 output.




Click New to add details of the RoboHelp Server where you want to publish your project. In the New Destination dialog, specify the following details:

  • Descriptive Name: Enter a descriptive name to identify the RoboHelp Server configuration.

  • Server Name: Specify the RoboHelp Server URL in the format http://<servername>:<port number>/<context-name>/server

  • User ID and Password: Specify the user ID and password of the user account that has publishing rights on RoboHelp Server.

  • Save Password: Select this option to save the user credentials.

  • Help Area: Click the refresh button to get a list of areas defined on the RoboHelp Server. Select an area name from the drop-down list to publish your project to the selected area. If you don’t select any area, then your project is published on to the default area.

Click Edit to make changes to an existing RoboHelp Server configuration.

Click Delete to remove the saved configuration.

Check for Deleted files

When selected, FrameMaker checks for files that have been deleted from the destination location and republishes them.

Prompt before Overwriting files (no overwriting when batch generating)

When selected, FrameMaker prompts before overwriting files. However, it will not overwrite files in case you are generating the output using the batch generate feature.

Republish All

Select this option to republish all files at the destination, overwriting existing files.

Note: If you have updated any document in your book, you will have to regenerate the updated content locally. However, only the updated documents are published on RoboHelp Server.

Meta Information tab

The following options are available in the Meta Information tab of the EPUB and Kindle output formats.




The name of the author. To specify multiple author names, use comma as the separator.


The name of the entity responsible for making the output available, for example, the author or the organization.


A statement about rights, for example, a copyright notice.


A description of the content.

Publication Identifier

An identifier conforming to specifications, such as ISBN.

Publish Date

The date of publishing the output. Follow the format specified in Dublin Core™ Metadata Element Set and W3C Date and Time Formats.

Cover Image

Specify the path for a JPG, JPEG, or PNG image that you want to use as the cover page of the eBook and the dimensions. Use percentage values to allow browsers to optimize display for different-sized screens.

You can also specify a GIF image. However, in the case of a GIF animation, only the first frame is used as the cover page.

Note: If you do not specify a cover image, FrameMaker uses the first topic in the TOC as the cover page.

Custom Metadata

Specify additional EPUB 3-specific metadata in XML format. For more information on specifying metadata for EPUB, refer to section The metadata Element in the EPUB Publications 3.0 specification.

For example, if you want to add the identifier type (ISBN, UUID, DOI, etc.) for a Publication Identifier, you can use the XML format below:

<dc:identifier id="pub-id">urn:doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2008.03.001</dc:identifier>