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Inserting variables

Learn how to insert a variable in a document in Adobe FrameMaker.

In this topic


You can insert a variable in the body or master pages of an Adobe FrameMaker document.

For example, to display the last modified date in the footer of a document, add the Modification Date variable to the footer of a master page of the document.

You can also display a variable value at a specific location of the content of a document by inserting the variable in the body page of the document.

How to insert a variable in a document

To insert a variable in a document, do the following:

  1. Place the insertion point at the point in the document to insert a variable.

  2. To insert the variable at the insertion point, select the variable in the Variables panel. Click Insert or double-click the variable in the list to insert the variable at the insertion point.

Note: The Variables panel displays only the variables that are valid in the current context. For example, the Running H/F variables are displayed in the panel only if you are on the master page of a document.

How variables display in a document

It depends on the type of a variable, and it's position in the document if the variable name or the variable value is shown. All user variables and most system variable display the value on both the master and body pages of a document.

However, the following system variables display the name on the master page and the value on the body page: