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Generate indexes

Learn how to generate index for a book and a document. You can also display page numbers in index in FrameMaker.

After you insert index markers in your source document, you can generate a standard index or any other index of markers. When you revise your source document, you can generate the index again to update it.

You ordinarily use predefined marker types. However, you can create your own marker types for special effects in indexes, such as displaying principal entries in bold or adding custom text to some page entries but not to others. The custom text might be the word note to follow some page numbers and figure to follow others. Scholarly indexes might use abbreviations, such as ff and passim after page numbers.

You can also generate a special-use index of references, such as an index of fonts used in a document. This type of index is not generated from markers.

Note: If you are generating an index for an RTL language such as Arabic, Hebrew, or Farsi, ensure that the locale on your computer is set to the locale for that language.