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Generate and update books

Understand how to generate and update books in Adobe FrameMaker.

After setting up a book in Adobe FrameMaker and specifying page and paragraph numbering for each file in the book, you need to generate and update the files. Although you generate and update in one step, the two processes are different.

Generating creates the table of contents, other generated lists, and indexes in the book file. The first time you generate a list or index, it uses the page layout (master pages) and reference pages of the first non-generated document in the book file.

Updating corrects numbering, revises cross-references so they reflect the numbering, reimports text insets, and adds or deletes empty pages where required. For structured documents it also revises the book’s elements from information in the files and reapplies format rules from the book’s element definitions.

Be sure to generate and update a book whenever you make any of the following changes to a document or a book file: