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Find the source of index entries

Know how to find the source of index entries, using a link for find/change in FrameMaker.

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When you need to revise an entry, you must trace the entry back to its source—the corresponding marker (or marker element, if working with a structured document) in the source document.

The quickest way to find the source of an index entry is to use the hypertext link on the entry in the generated file. This hypertext link can display and select the corresponding information in the source document. If you’re working with a structured document, you can select the element in the Structure View if you can see its bubble.

Another simple way to find and select a marker in the source document is through the Markers panel. The Markers panel displays marker text, the marker type, and document in which the marker is. You can sort the list on marker type to view all the index marker entries in a document. Selecting an entry in the Markers panel automatically highlights the marker in the document. Double-clicking an entry opens the Markers panel for quick editing.

Using the Markers panel makes it easier to select a specific marker if there are multiple markers at exactly the same location in a document.

Important: If you’re generating extremely large indexes (indexes of more than 50,000 markers), don’t use Create Hypertext Links. Generating indexes of this size with Create Hypertext Links selected takes a long time or might not succeed.

Find the source of an index entry by using a link

To find the source of an index entry by using a link:

  1. If you did not select Create Hypertext Links when you generated the index, select this option and regenerate.

  2. Choose Insert > Marker.

  3. In the generated index, Alt-Control-click a page reference in an index.

FrameMaker opens the source document to the page that contains the corresponding marker and selects it. The marker text appears in the Markers panel.

Select a marker by using Find/Change

To select a marker by using Find/Change:

  1. In the source document (not in the generated list), choose Edit > Find/Change.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you’re working in a FrameMaker document, select Any Marker, Marker of Type, or Marker Text from the Find drop-down list. Enter the marker type or marker text as needed.

    • If you’re working in a structured FrameMaker document, select Element from the Find drop-down list and enter the name of the element you want to find. Click Set.

  3. Click Find.

Note: When a marker is selected, the marker text appears in the Markers panel. Don’t click Change in the Find/Change dialog box to change the marker text. If you do, FrameMaker replaces the marker itself. Instead, change the text in the Markers panel and then click Edit Marker.