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Combine several index entries in one marker

Know how to combine several index subentry in one index marker in Adobe FrameMaker.

You can combine multiple index entries in one index marker.

Type several entries in the marker, using a semicolon (;) between entries, as in the following examples.

Marker text

Result in index

Abrasion; Water erosion

Abrasion 10

Water erosion 10

<$nopage>Erosion. See Abrasion; <$singlepage>Abrasion

Abrasion 10

Erosion. See Abrasion

In the second row of the example, the <$nopage> building block affects subsequent entries in the marker. To return to a single page number, <$singlepage> is included with the next entry in the marker.

Tip: You can type any number of spaces after the semicolon to improve readability. Initial spaces are ignored when compiling the index unless they’re special ones such as nonbreaking or em spaces.
Note: If you’re working in Japanese fonts, only single-byte space characters are ignored.