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Change pagination

Know how to set pagination in Adobe FrameMaker and change a single-sided document to double-sided documents or reverse.

You can change a single-sided document to double-sided documents or the reverse. When you set up a double-sided document, you specify whether the first page is a left or a right page.

  1. Make the appropriate document window or book window active. If a book window is active, select the documents you want to affect.

  2. Choose Format > Page Layout > Pagination.

  3. Select one of the options in the Pagination area. If you select Double Sided, also define whether the first page is a left or right page. If you are applying pagination in a book, you can select Read from File to use the page side specified in the file. Select Next Available Side to avoid a blank page.

    Depending on which option you selected, a blank page may be added to the previous file in the book so that the document can start on the page you specified.

  4. Click Set. If the document contains custom master pages or page layout overrides, an alert message asks how you want to proceed.