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Balance text across columns

Understand how to balance text across colums in a text frame in Adobe FrameMaker.

In this topic


In a layout that uses a multicolumn text frame, you can balance the text across columns that aren’t full of text—for example, columns on partly empty pages that precede forced page breaks, and columns on the last page of a document. You can balance text across columns throughout a text flow or in an individual text frame.

Figure 1. Balancing off and on
Examples of text balancingonandoffacrosscolumns

Balance text across columns throughout a text flow

  1. If a document window is active, place the insertion point in the main text flow or click in the page margin. If a book window is active, select the documents you want to affect.

  2. Choose Format > Page Layout > Column Layout.

  3. Select Balance Columns and click Update Entire Flow.

Balance text across columns in a single text frame

Click in the text frame and choose Format > Customize Layout > Customize Text Frame.

Select Balance Columns and click Set.