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Define a custom tag to filter the search

If a custom tag has been defined in the DTD, then you need to add the tag in the tagsAndFilters.json file.

The following three conditions on the tags can affect the search and so you need to add tags for them in the tagsAndFilters.json file:

  1. WhitespaceHandlingOff - Preserve whitespaces in WYSIWYG (For example, <codeblock>).

  2. TagsToIgnore- Ignore the tags while doing the search (For example, <metadata> and <image>).

  3. BlockElements- Separate each block element from another while doing the search (For example, <p> and <div>).

For example, if a new tag for white spacing handling off has been defined in xml:space preserve, you need to add the tag in the tagsAndFilters.json file at the following location:

C:/Program Data/Adobe/FrameMaker/17/Preferences/xmlSearch/tagsAndFilters.json.