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Working with personal and site dictionaries

Understand how to create a personal and use a site dictionary in Adobe FrameMaker.

Create a personal dictionary

To create a personal dictionary, do the following:

  1. Place words, with a hyphen at each hyphenation point, in a document. Type as the first line in the document: <MakerDictionary 3.0>

  2. Choose File > Save As. In the Save Document dialog, select a folder and define a file name. From the Save as Type dropdown, choose Text Only format and click Save.

  3. In the Save As Text dialog, select Put a Carriage Return: Only Between Paragraphs and click Save.

Change site dictionaries

You can specify a different site dictionary for each of several projects. You can also edit your site dictionary directly.

If you are using Adobe FrameMaker across a network at your site, a system administrator probably manages the site dictionary.

Specify the site dictionary in the maker.ini file in section [Files]. The default setting is:

Use caution when editing the maker.ini file.