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Place graphics in table cells

Know how to insert or place a graphic in Adobe FrameMaker table cells.

In this topic

Place a graphic

You can adapt these instructions to position the anchored frame differently or to insert a graphic in a cell that also contains text.

Note: Avoid using cropped anchored frames in heading or footing cells of a table. Such frames are not always cropped when that cell repeats on subsequent pages.

To place a graphic in a table cell in an Adobe FrameMaker document, do the following:

  1. Click in a paragraph in the cell where you want to place the graphic.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create an anchored frame where you can draw, use Insert > Anchored Frame to create an anchored frame that’s anchored at the insertion point.

    • To create an anchored frame for an imported graphic, use File > Import > File or Insert > Image to import the graphic.

  3. If the anchored frame is wider than the cell, resize the column.

    Tip: To resize a column to match its contents, place the insertion point in the cell that has the desired length of text and press Esc+t+w.
  4. If necessary, choose Graphics > Arrange > Align to center the graphic in the frame.

Place a graphic in a structured document

If your table cells allow graphic elements, you can draw or import graphics in the cells. A new graphic element can be either an empty anchored frame that you can draw in or an anchored frame with an imported graphic.

To place a graphic in a table cell in a structured Adobe FrameMaker document, do the following:

  1. Click where you want to place the graphic in the cell.

  2. Select a graphic element in the Elements catalog and click Insert. The element’s definition determines which dialog box appears.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If the Anchored Frame dialog box appears, choose At Insertion Point from the Anchoring Position drop-down list, and click New Frame.

    • If the Import File dialog box appears, select the file to import, and click Import.

    An anchored frame appears in the cell, and a bubble with the text snippet <GRAPHIC> appears in the Structure View.

  4. If the anchored frame is wider than the cell, resize the column.

    Tip: To resize a column to match its contents, select the column and press Esc+t+w.
  5. If necessary, choose Graphics > Arrange > Align to center the graphic in the frame.