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Insert a table in a structured FrameMaker document

Know how to insert a table element in structured documents in Adobe FrameMaker.

A table is anchored to a specific location in text. As you edit the text, the table moves in the document along with the text. An anchor symbol Anchor symbol appears at the table’s anchor location in the document window.

When you insert a table, you specify where to anchor it. For example, you can anchor a table in a <p> element (as a child element of <p>) or you can anchor it in a <section> element (as a sibling to <p> and other elements in the section). It depends on how the elements are defined for your document type.

  1. Click where you want to insert the table.

  2. Select a table element in the Elements catalog, and click Insert.

    Note: To add other table-part elements to the table, use the Elements catalog as a guide.
  3. If required, change the number of columns, rows, heading rows, or footer rows.

  4. To change the table format, select a format in the scroll list. The table element can have a format preselected, but you can change the format and it is not considered a format rule override.

    Consult your developer before changing a table format. Your element catalog can have a separate element defined for each format you’ll need.

  5. Choose the table variable type (continuation or sheet) to insert. For more details on table variables, see Add table continuation text.

  6. Click Insert. FrameMaker inserts an anchor symbol Anchor symbol at the insertion point and a table with predefined descendant elements. The Structure View has bubbles for the new elements.

  7. If the Attributes for New Element dialog box appears, enter attribute values for the table element and click Insert Element.

    Tip: Select cells in the table and then right-click to display a context menu for working with the cells. You can also use the Quick Access Bar as a quick way to apply table commands.

If no table element is available at the location you want, you can use an invalid element. After inserting the table, talk to your developer about making it valid at this location.