Home > Tables > Copy, move, or delete a table

Copy, move, or delete a table

Know how to copy, move, or delete a table in Adobe FrameMaker.

If you copy or move an unstructured table to a structured flow, the table is given a basic structure with default elements named <TABLE>, <HEADING>, <ROW>, and so on. If you copy or move a structured table to an unstructured flow, the table structure may no longer be valid.

  1. Press Ctrl and triple-click a cell to select the entire table or click the table element in the Structure View.

  2. To copy the table, choose Edit > Copy.

    To move the table, choose Edit > Cut. If a dialog box appears, click Remove Cells From Table, and click Cut. Then click where you want to move the table, and choose Edit > Paste. Check the Elements catalog before pasting to ensure that you paste the table at a valid location.

    To remove the table, press Delete.

Tip: You can also drag a table element in the Structure View to move the table, or press alt and drag the element to copy the table.