Home > Tables > Formatting tables > Convert body rows to header or footer rows

Convert body rows to header or footer rows

If you've imported a table or have an existing table without a header or footer row, you can easily convert the body rows to header or footer rows.

To convert a body row to a header or footer row, do the following:

  1. Select the body row you want to convert to a header or footer row. You can also select multiple rows and convert them.
    Note: If you've straddled a row, you can convert it to a header or footer row. But if you've done a column or vertical straddle, you cannot convert the row to a header or footer row, and FrameMaker displays an error message.
  2. Right-click to display the context menu.
  3. Choose one of the following:
    • Convert Selected Body Row to Header Row
    • Convert Selected Body Row to Footer Row

    The body row is converted to a header or footer row.

    Tip: If you want to convert a header or footer row back to the body row, select Undo <last operation> from the context menu.