Home > Structured authoring > Elements in structured documents > Select and edit element text

Select and edit element text

Learn how to select and edit text in elements with Adobe FrameMaker.

In this topic

Select text in flow

To select all the text in a flow, click in the flow and choose Edit > Select All In Flow or press ctrl+a.

Select text in structured document window

You can select entire elements and any part of the document contents in a document window. A corresponding selection also appears in the Structure View.

If an element has contents, you can select all or part of the contents without selecting the element itself. If an element consists of a single object, such as a graphic or a cross-reference, select the entire element.

When you select an entire element, its contents are selected along with it.

To select text in an element, do one of the following:

Tip: Work with element boundaries showing, so that you can see the beginning and end of each element. After selecting, check the status bar for the correct element name of the selection parent element. The complete path of the element appears following the “E:” text as breadcrumb.

Select an element or the element content in the Structure View

You can select entire elements or the element contents in the Structure View. A corresponding selection also appears in the document window.

If an element has contents, you can select all of the contents without selecting the element itself. If an element is a single object, such as a graphic or a cross-reference, you select the entire element. Elements that are allowed contents have round-cornered bubbles; elements that are a single object have square-cornered bubbles.

When you select an entire element, its contents are selected along with it.

To select element content, do one of the following: