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Search in XML Source Code

Understand how to search in XML source code with Adobe FrameMaker.

If you are working in the XML View, you can search through the XML source code with Complex Expressions and XPath Queries.

The XML-specific search functionalities (Complex Expressions and XPath Expressions) perform the search in the XML source code of a document in the XML View.

For example, the following sample paragraph (<p>) text contains a word marked as bold with the XML element <b>.

<p>The quick <b>brown</b> fox.</p>

The WYSIWYG View provides the functionality to search for text as it displays in the FrameMaker window. This implies that the search for “The quick brown fox” will find the text. However, in the XML view, the same search does not find any results.

In the XML view, you will need to include the <b> (opening) and </b> closing tags in the search.