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Convert Markdown documents to DITA

Learn how to convert Markdown documents into DITA documents and map.

FrameMaker give you a simple and straightforward method to convert your Markdown (.md) files to DITA. To do so, you need to add your Markdown files to a DITA map as <topicref>. Then, use the conversion feature on the map file to convert the Markdown files into DITA topic type documents.

To convert Markdown files to DITA, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a DITA map file on your local drive.

  2. Add your Markdown (.md) file to the map.

  3. Choose Structure > Utilities > Convert Markdown to DITA.

    The Convert Markdown to DITA dialog box appears.

    Figure 1. Markdown to DITA conversion dialog box

  4. In the Convert Markdown to DITA dialog box, provide the following:

    Important: Ensure that the input and output paths are on your local system. Specifying any network location can result in conversion failure.
    • File: Path of the source DITA map file that contains the Markdown file.

    • Output DITA Files > Directory: Output location to save the converted DITA document.