Home > Structured authoring using DITA > DITA relationship tables > Test a relationship table with Save As PDF

Test a relationship table with Save As PDF

See how to test a relationship table output with Save As PDF in Adobe FrameMaker.

To test the output after you have created a relationship table in a DITA map, you can use the Save As PDF option in FrameMaker.

  1. Ensure that the DITA map is selected.

  2. Choose File > Save As PDF.

  3. In the Save Document dialog select an output location, click Save.

The PDF output of the DITA map displays the Related Links sections for the topics that you include in the cells of the relationship tables in the DITA map.

Note: The PDF Save As functionality is used in this section as an example. You can also publish the DITA map to the output formats available in FrameMaker’s multi-channel publishing feature.

The topics display in the same order as which you specify them in the cells of the table row.

Also, the Related Topics section does not include the current topic. Given the following sample relationship table:

Figure 1. Relationship table in Document view
Relationship table in Document view in FrameMaker

The Related Links section displays:

It does not display the Save As (current) topic.