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Save a DITA map

Learn how to save a DITA map in Adobe FrameMaker.

The Save Ditamap As functionality in FrameMaker (File > Save Ditamap As) allows you to save the DITA map to multiple outputs. When you save a DITA map as a book, you can take advantage of the FrameMaker book hierarchical features such as folders and groups. You can use FrameMaker book functionality such as page numbering and table of contents.

The following list of outputs, provide specific functionality:

Composite Document <Version> (*.fm)

A single self-contained FrameMaker document file (.fm). The document contains all the content from the DITA map. For example, the topic references. The topic references are embedded within the document. This implies that any changes to the topic files are not reflected in the composite document. If you share this document with another author, the author does not require the referenced topic documents. However, you can continue to work on the composite document using the available structure tools in FrameMaker.

Book <Version> (*.book)

The DITA map is saved as a .book file that includes each referenced topic file as a document within the book.

Book <Version> with fm components (*.book)

The DITA map is saved as a .book file. Each referenced topic file is converted to a .fm file.

When you save a DITA map as a composite document or book with FrameMaker components, you can use the DITAVAL conditional output functionality. In the Save Document dialog, if you check the Prompt For DitaVal File option, you are prompted for a DITAVAL file that you can use to conditionally output the contents to the selected output format.

Important: You cannot round-trip the DITA map to book conversion. This implies that any changes that you make in the book cannot be cycled back to the DITA map.