Customize available DITA Open Toolkit output types

Learn how to publish DITA files with DITA Open Toolkit and Adobe FrameMaker.

By default, FrameMaker allows you to use the DITA Open Toolkit to generate output for PDF2, XHTML, and HTML help. However, you can use the DITA-OT to generate output for a number of other formats. To generate output in other formats, you need to update the ditafm.ini.

Important: The following procedure requires changes to the ditafm.ini file. Before making any changes, you are recommended to take a backup of this file.
  1. Open the ditafm.ini file in the current user folder: %appdata%\Adobe\FrameMaker\17\ditafm.ini

  2. Locate the following text in the file:

    Note: The numbered list above is the same as the list of output formats available in the Generate DITA-OT Output dialog.
  3. To add or remove output types from the Generate DITA-OT Output dialog, you need to specify the Count as the number of types to display in the list.

  4. The following list is the list of all available output types that you can include. To include one or more of the following types, you need to add these to the numbered list and ensure that the number sequence is maintained:

    • docbook

    • eclipsecontent

    • eclipsehelp

    • htmlhelp

    • javahelp

    • net.sourceforge

    • html

    • odt

    • pdf

    • tocjs

    • troff

    • wordrtf

    • xhtml

    Note: The output type entries in the ditafm.ini file are case-sensitive. You need to make the entries as list above.

    The following example adds the Eclipse help and Word RTF formats to the existing list.

    Note: You can completely change the list to include any set of output types.
  5. Restart FrameMaker for the changes to take effect.