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Create a relationship table

Learn how to create a relationship table in Adobe FrameMaker. See a sample relationship table workflow.

In this topic

Create a relationship table

  1. In the Structure View of a DITA map, place the insertion point at the end of the topic and the same level as the topicref elements.

  2. To display the Smart Catalog, press ctrl+1 and select reltable.

    The Insert Table dialog is displayed.

  3. Specify the number of columns and rows.

    The number of columns depends on the number of related topics that you plan to group.

    The number of rows depends on the number of groups of related topics that you plan to create.

    You can also choose to create multiple relationship tables for multiple groups of related topics.

  4. Click Insert.

A relationship table is added to the DITA map.

To display the relationship table in a tabular view, go to the Document view.

While you can add topics to a relationship table from the Structure View, the tabular view provides a more convenient mode to work with.

Figure 1. Default relationship table (with 4 columns and 1 body row)
Default relationshiptable (with 4 columns and 1 body row) in Adobe FrameMaker

In each cell of the relationship table header, you specify the DITA topic type of the related topics that you plan to include in body cells of the column.

FrameMaker allows you to add the following DITA topic types to a relationship table:

By default, FrameMaker supports the Topic type. So if you plan to only include topic types in the table, you do not need to set the type attribute.

Adding a specific DITA topic type to a relationship table column

To add a specific DITA topic type to a column in the relationship table:

  1. Place the insertion pointer in the table header cell.

  2. Open the Attributes dialog (Element > Edit Attributes).

  3. Set the @type attribute to the DITA topic type.

    Topic type → attribute value: topic

    Task type → attribute value: task

    Concept type → attribute value: concept

    Reference type → attribute value: reference

    The attribute values are case sensitive.

If you set @type attribute as described above, the column title is updated:

Figure 2. Updated type attributes
Relationshiptable with updated type attributes in FrameMaker