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Create a DITA topic

Learn how to create a DITA topic in Adobe FrameMaker.

In this topic

Create a new DITA topic

  1. Choose File > New > DITA and select one of the topic and map types from the sub-menu.

  2. To view the hierarchical structure of the created topic, choose Structure > Structure View.

  3. A DITA topic is a structured document. This means that in FrameMaker you work with the DITA topic structure in the same way that you work with the structured documents based on other Structured Applications.

DITA Information types

FrameMaker supports the following DITA information types:


A generic topic. For specific content, use task, concept, reference, glossentry, glossgroup types.

See the DITA specifications on Topic elements.


For task related content such as how-to or procedures.

See the DITA specifications on Task elements.


For content such as “what is?”. It covers conceptual information about a feature or function.

See the DITA specifications on Concept elements.


For reference content. For example, product specifications, API reference, and equipment or part lists.

See the DITA specifications on Reference elements.


For a single glossary term and definition.

See the DITA specifications on Glossentry elements.


For a group of glossentry elements.

The glossgroup can also contain other glossgroup elements to create a hierarchical glossary structure.

See the DITA specifications on <glossgroup>.


The <troubleshooting> element is the top-level element for a troubleshooting topic. Troubleshooting topics document corrective action such as troubleshooting or alarm clearing. Troubleshooting topics begin with a description of a condition that the reader might want to correct, followed by one or more cause-remedy pairs. Each cause-remedy pair is a potential solution to the trouble described in the condition.

Troubleshooting topics represent the kind of information that users typically consult to fix a problem.

See the DITA specifications on <troubleshooting>.


A top-level container element that can include the topic types described above.

See the DITA specifications on <dita> element.