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Manage Cross-References

Learn how to create, apply, redefine, and delete cross-reference formats in Adobe FrameMaker. Also, learn how to replace and delete cross-references in Adobe FrameMaker and import cross-reference formats from one document to another.

In this topic


In Adobe FrameMaker, you can insert, edit, change, update, and delete cross-references in a document.

You can also edit cross-reference formats to change the way the cross-reference displays in the document. For example, you can choose to only display the heading text, and not include the page number in the cross-reference.

Use the Cross-References panel to manage the cross-references in your document and the Cross-Reference dialog to insert a cross-reference. You can create, edit, and delete cross-reference formats with the Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog.

Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog

Use the Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog to create, edit, or delete cross-reference formats in the current document.

To display the Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog double-click on an existing cross-reference in a document and click on Edit Format in the Cross-Reference dialog.

Alternatively, choose View > Panels > Cross-References to open the Cross-References panel. Select a cross-reference in the panel and click Edit.

The Cross-Reference dialog is displayed:

Figure 1. Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog
EditCross-Reference Format dialog in Adobe FrameMaker


Update the name of an existing format or specify a name for a new format.


Define the cross-reference format. A cross-reference format definiton can contain any text (letters, characters, or numbers) and Building Blocks to display contextual information.

For example, the default “Heading & Page” format is defined as:

<$paratext>” on page\ <$pagenum>

The building blocks of the definition (<$paratext> and <$pagenum>) are included in angle brackets (<>) and preceded by a dollar ($) sign. The \ defines a non-breaking space. In the above example:

The building block <$paratext> pulls the paragraph text of the cross-referenced paragraph.

The building block <$pagenum> pulls the page number of the cross-referenced paragraph.

The resulting cross-reference might display as: “Inserting cross-references” on page 25


Create a new cross-reference format and add it to the Document Catalog of available cross-reference formats.


Edit an existing cross-reference format in the document.


Delete an existing cross-reference format in the document.

Create a new Cross-Reference format

To create a new cross-reference format, do the following:

  1. In the Edit Cross-Reference Format, enter a name the cross-reference in the Name field.

  2. In the Definition field, define the cross-reference format. You can enter any text (letters, characters, or numbers) and building blocks. Use the building blocks to display contextual information in the cross-reference.

    To add a building block to the definition, place the insertion point at the appropriate location and click the definition in the Building Blocks list.

  3. To create the new cross-reference format, click Add.

Apply a Cross-Reference format

When you insert a cross-reference in a document, you can select a cross-reference format that is present in the document. Cross-reference formats are specific to a FrameMaker document.

The Format drop-down in the Cross-References dialog list displays the available formats in the current document. You can choose any of the formats when you insert a cross-reference in a document.

You can edit these formats or create new formats. You can also import formats from one document into another document.

Redefine an existing Cross-Reference format

To change an existing cross-reference format, do the following:

  1. In the Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog, select an existing format from the Formats list. Click Edit Format. The Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog is displayed.

  2. In the Name field, edit the name of the cross-reference format.

  3. In the Definition field, edit the cross-reference format definition.

    You can enter any text (letters, characters, or numbers) and building blocks. Use building blocks to display contextual information in the cross-reference.

  4. Click Change to update the selected cross-reference format.

  5. Click Done.

Deleting a Cross-Reference format

You can choose to delete cross-reference formats that are not used in the document. You can also choose to delete cross-reference formats that are currently used. If you delete a cross-reference format that is used in the current document, all cross-references that use this format will be converted to editable text.

  1. In the Edit Cross-Reference Format dialog, select an existing format from the Formats list.

  2. Click Delete to remove the selected cross-reference format from the Document Catalog.

  3. Click Done. You are prompted to change all cross-references that use the deleted format to editable text.

  4. Click OK or Cancel.

Replace a Cross-Reference in a document

To edit an existing cross-reference do the following:

  1. Double-click the cross-reference in a document.

    Alternatively, choose View > Panels > Cross-References to open the Cross-References panel. Select the cross-reference in the Cross-References panel and click Edit to open the Cross-Reference dialog.

    Alternatively, choose Insert > Cross-Reference to open the Cross-Reference dialog. Select the cross-reference in the dialog. Select a new cross-reference destination and click Replace.

  2. Select a new cross-reference destination and click Replace.

Delete a Cross-Reference in a document

To delete a cross-reference in a document, do the following:

  1. Choose View > Panels > Cross-References to open the Cross-References panel.

  2. Select the cross-reference in the Cross-References panel.

  3. Click Delete.

You can also select the cross-reference in the document and press the Delete key on the keyboard.

Importing Cross-Reference formats

To import cross-reference formats from one document to another document, do the following:

  1. Open the document containing the cross-reference formats you want to import into another document.

  2. Open the document into which you need to import the formats.

  3. Choose File > Import > Formats to open the Import Formats dialog.

    Figure 2. Import Formats dialog with only the Cross-Reference Formats option selected
    ImportFormats dialog in Adobe FrameMaker with only the Cross-ReferenceFormats option selected

  4. In the Import from Document drop-down list, choose the source document and ensure that only the Cross-Reference Formats check box is checked.

    You can use the Deselect All button to uncheck all the boxes and then only acivate the Cross-Reference Formats check box.

  5. To import the cross-reference formats, click Import.