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Dropbox integration

Learn to use Dropbox with Adobe FrameMaker.

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Adobe FrameMaker allows you to share and maintain topics and related files using Dropbox. Using Dropbox functionality as supported in FrameMaker, you can share files for:

Configure Dropbox

To use Dropbox to share files, the users need to download and set up Dropbox on the machines and create a Dropbox account:

  1. Download and install the Dropbox app on your machine.

  2. In FrameMaker, choose Edit > Preferences….

  3. Choose Global > Dropbox and set up the following:

    Currently selected Dropbox folder: The path to your Dropbox folder. Click Select to browse to your Dropbox folder if the field is empty.

    Delete files from Dropbox after copying locally: When this option is selected, on selecting save locally or save locally with dependencies, the files are deleted from the Dropbox folder on your machine.

    Create folder structure for dependencies while uploading or downloading: FrameMaker creates a folder structure in the Dropbox folder similar to the one you are uploading or downloading. When this option is not selected, FrameMaker creates the folder structure only for folders that exist at the same level or below as per the document/book/ditamap that you are uploading or downloading. When selected, FrameMaker creates a similar folder structure from the topmost component (folder/file) even for the folders that exist outside or above the file that you are uploading or downloading.

  4. Click OK.

Add files to Dropbox

Add files to Dropbox to share with other users. After you have added the files to Dropbox, you can Share Dropbox location.

  1. Open a file in FrameMaker.

  2. Choose File > Utilities > Dropbox > Save to Dropbox folder with Dependencies. When you select Save to Dropbox folder with Dependencies, the following assets are also uploaded to Dropbox:

    • Chapter files referenced in the book file

    • Book file relevant to a chapter file

    • Image files

    • Text insets

Share Dropbox location

For other users to be able to share files with you, share a Dropbox location with them. Create a shared folder in Dropbox and share it with other users who need to set up Dropbox in FrameMaker. Or, you can share link to a single file with other users through Dropbox.

Open and save files

To open a file from the Dropbox folder, choose File > Utilities > Dropbox > Open. FrameMaker opens the file from Dropbox. You can edit or save the file.