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Create packages

Learn how to package an Adobe FrameMaker book or document with its related files into a zip archive for distribution and backup.

You can package Adobe FrameMaker .book, .ditamap, .xml, .mif, or .fm files with all its related files into a zip file for distribution or backup. When you choose to create a package with a book or DITA map in focus, FrameMaker automatically picks up the related files, such as chapter files, images, text insets, conrefs, crossrefs, to a .zip file.

The packaged zip file contains:

Attention: When packaging structured files, their application setup files, such as DTD, structapps.fm, read-write rules, and templates, are not packaged.
Attention: FrameMaker treats the topic, chapter, or dependent files that exist outside the folder (or subfolders) of the book or DITA map as missing files. To package a book or DITA map, you need to have all their topic, chapter, and dependent files in the same folder or its subfolders. Select this option to package a book or DITA map without their chapter or topic or dependent files in the same folder. Otherwise, packaging fails for such a book or DITA map.

To create a package, place all their topic, chapter, and dependent files in the same folder or its subfolders. Any files outside the folder are treated as missing files and are not copied in the zip file.

  1. With a book or DITA map in focus, choose File > Package or press Esc+F+l+p.

  2. In the Package dialog, do the following:

    1. Edit the filename and path of the zip file, if required. By default, the name and location of the package zip file is the same as the book or DITA map file.

    2. Click Settings to exclude one or more of the following types of files from the package (zip file): Multimedia, Images, and 3D files, Content References and Cross References, Text Insets, and OLE objects.

    3. Select Create Package Even If Files Are Missing to create a package even if chapter, topic, or dependent files are missing.

      Attention: FrameMaker treats the topic, chapter, or dependent files that exist outside the folder (or subfolders) of the book or DITA map as missing files. To package a book or DITA map, you need to have all their topic, chapter, and dependent files in the same folder or its subfolders. Select this option to package a book or DITA map without their chapter or topic or dependent files in the same folder. Otherwise, packaging fails for such a book or DITA map.
    4. To view the package file after it is created, select Open Containing Folder After Packaging. After the package is created, the folder containing the zip file opens in Windows Explorer.

    5. To generate an issue log about the package, select Generate Log File.

    6. Click Package.

FrameMaker processes the book file and creates a package. Now you can share the zip file with others or back it up.