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Using RoboScreenCapture

Learn what is RoboScreen capture and how to use it in FrameMaker.

In this topic


RoboScreenCapture is a screen capture tool that can be used for capturing and editing images. You can use these images in your help systems like online tutorials, manuals, training handouts, presentations, marketing materials, and web pages.

Integration of Adobe FrameMaker with Adobe RoboScreenCapture helps you do the following:

Changes made to the image are reflected in FrameMaker after the image is saved and closed in RoboScreenCapture.

Note: This option is available only for image formats supported by RoboScreenCapture.

You can use RoboScreenCapture to perform the following tasks:

Capturing and inserting images

You can use RoboScreenCapture from FrameMaker to capture a screenshot from an application running on your computer, and save it in RoboScreenCapture. You can then import the file into an open FrameMaker document.

  1. Open the FrameMaker document into which you want to insert images.

  2. Choose File > Launch RoboScreenCapture. The RoboScreenCapture application opens.

  3. From RoboScreenCapture, capture a screenshot of the desired application using the various options in the Capture menu.

  4. Save the file, and close RoboScreenCapture.

  5. In Adobe FrameMaker, choose File > Import > File or Insert > Image.

    The Import dialog box appears.

  6. Select the file created in RoboScreenCapture.

  7. Select Import by Reference from the Import dialog box.

  8. Click Import.

Editing imported RoboScreenCapture images

You can use RoboScreenCapture to edit images inserted by reference into FrameMaker documents.

  1. Open FrameMaker.

  2. Choose File > Open, and open a document with the image you want to edit.

  3. Select the image you want to edit.

  4. Right-click the image, and select Edit With RoboScreenCapture. The RoboScreenCapture application opens with the image open for editing.

  5. Edit the image.

  6. Choose File > Save.

  7. Choose File > Exit to close the RoboScreenCapture application.

The edited image is updated in FrameMaker and is ready for use in the document.