Home > Graphics and objects > Import and edit Adobe Photoshop images

Import and edit Adobe Photoshop images

Understand how to import and edit images in Adobe FrameMaker usig Adobe Photoshop.

You can import Adobe Photoshop images into your Adobe FrameMaker documents. FrameMaker supports layers, and you can import graphics with multiple layers into your document. On publishing, the PSD files are rasterized.

Also, you can open Photoshop images for editing right from within FrameMaker.

The following Adobe Photoshop images can be imported into a FrameMaker document:

Choose File > Import, and then browse to the Photoshop file and insert it into your document.

You can then open the Photoshop file for editing in Adobe Photoshop from within FrameMaker.

To edit the image in Adobe Photoshop:

  1. Select the image you want to edit.

  2. Right-click the image, and select Edit With Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop opens with the image open for editing.

  3. Edit the image.

  4. Choose File > Save or File > Export (depending on the image type) to save the edited image.

  5. Choose File > Exit to close Adobe Photohop.

The edited image is updated in your Adobe FrameMaker document.

Note: Adobe Photoshop needs to be installed on the same system as Adobe FrameMaker for this feature to work.