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Object styles

Understand object styles are and their properties and get familiar with object properties in Adobe FrameMaker.

In this topic


In Adobe FrameMaker, you can save your frequently used object properties as a style. You can apply these object styles to various objects, such as images, anchored frames, and text frames for consistent size and appearance. For example, you can create and apply an object style to all the anchored frames in a document, or across documents, to make them of the same size.

Object styles include the following properties:

Object styles are relevant for the following objects in FrameMaker:

Object style designer

Figure 1. Object style designer in Adobe FrameMaker
Object styledesignerin Adobe FrameMaker

A. List of object properties B. Reset all properties to default C. Refresh object style properties D. Select an object style name E. Update all F. Save

Object style catalog

Figure 2. Object style catalog in Adobe FrameMaker
Object stylecatalogin Adobe FrameMaker

A. Refresh the list of styles displayed in the catalog B. Options to display the styles in the catalog C. Delete a style from the document D. Object style names E. Check mark indicates that style is applied in the current document

Create an object style

To create an object style in Adobe FrameMaker, do the following:

  1. Choose Graphics > Object Style Designer. The Object Style Designer dialog is shown. All property values are blank.

  2. In the Object Style Designer dialog, type a name for the object style.

  3. Edit the property values and click Save.

Create an object style from an object’s properties

To create an object style from an object’s properties in Adobe FrameMaker, do the following:

  1. Select the object based on which you want to create an object style.

  2. Choose Graphics > Object Style Designer. The Object Style Designer dialog is shown. The values for the properties are populated from the selected object.

  3. In the Object Style Designer dialog, type a name for the object style.

  4. Edit the property values and click Save.

Apply an object style

To apply object styles on objects in Adobe FrameMaker, do the following:

  1. Choose Graphics > Object Style Designer. The Object Style Designer dialog is shown.

  2. Select one or more objects on which you want to apply the style.

  3. In the Object Style Catalog, click the name of an object style to apply.

Import object styles from another document

To import object styles from another document in Adobe FrameMaker, do the following:

  1. Choose File > Import > Formats.

  2. In the Import Formats dialog, select Object Styles.

  3. Select Import.