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Use the RoboHelp settings (isf) file

Know how you can use the RoboHelp Import Settings (.isf) file that defines project-wide settings for each FrameMaker document.

You can use the RoboHelp Import Settings (.isf) file that defines project-wide settings for each FrameMaker document. To apply these settings in your FrameMaker publish output, export the settings file from RoboHelp. Then use the defined settings in your FrameMaker published output by importing the ISF file.

When you export an ISF file from RoboHelp, the file includes the following settings:

For more details on FrameMaker to RoboHelp conversion, see FrameMaker document components converted to RoboHelp in the Using RoboHelp guide.

Important: When you import an ISF file, the RoboHelp settings included in the file overwrite the corresponding FrameMaker STS file settings.

To import an ISF file:

  1. In the Publish dialog, click the Settings button and select Import ISF File.

  2. In the Select ISF File dialog, choose the settings file.

    When you import an ISF file, the settings contained in this file are imported into the publish settings (.sts) file.

  3. You are prompted to import the ISF settings into the current settings file or create a new settings file.

    The Publish Settings dialog displays the imported ISF settings.

  4. In the previous step if you chose to import the ISF settings into a new publish settings file, specify a location for the new file.

    If you chose to import the ISF settings into the existing publish settings file, save the updated publish settings.